Creative Open Studio Play
A Place Where Play Meets Art! It is a Socks Only Facility! Price is per person - adults count too!
Service Description
Each booking is for one child + max of two adults for one hour of self creative exploration. This is great for caregivers / parents who are needing to have some time out of the house, want to socialize with others as well as the wee ones socializing together. It is ideal for people who love watching, interacting with their child during their creative play and wants to embrace the mess without having to clean it up! We are constantly reviewing and adding new activities that will spark a child's imagination and creativity. It is important to know that during play and creative moments things can get messy, we absolutely embrace this. A child's job is to have fun, get messy and learn things in their own unique ways :) Every Child is an Artist! We are a mixed-age environment. You & your child may be sharing the studio space with children 1-6 years or older. SAFETY: While we appreciate kids can be kids, we also have to ensure that all children are kept safe at all times. Therefore, you must watch you children at all times to ensure they are following the rules of the studio (no running, no climbing, no throwing items, and are keeping things in the areas they belong). We also, cannot allow for you to have your hot tea/coffee in the studio play areas as it is not safe. There is a maximum of 3 children per adult. A child under the age of 1 years is free with a paying sibling only. Come prepared that your child may leave in a mess, and possibly you! You and your child(ren) must wear socks at all times in the studio. No outdoor shoes/boots during Fall, Winter or Spring or No food or drinks are permitted in the Open Studio play areas - No Exceptions! FOOD CONSUMPTION: If your child becomes hungry, you child can consume a Nut-Free snack (i.e. fruits, granola bar) on our bench but you must stay with them and you must ensure that your child washes their hands afterwards. You will also, have to ensure that no foods are dropped on the floor or left on the bench. You must place your food remnants in the garbage. HOURS: During the Open Studio session, you can arrive anytime between the hours. Sessions won't be extended to beyond the hours of the session. We are open by appointment only. The studio may be closed before/ after your appointment time. When Booking you are accepting all the policies of the studio.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Open Studio Sessions Policy: You can reschedule but the most be done at least than 24 hours prior to the session time. To do this you MUST: email us the date you want to move it too, which is not changeable but the date must be within 30 days from the cancellation date. If you do not provide an alternative date in this email, then you forgo your ability to reschedule. Camps, Workshops and Classes: These are non-refundable and you cannot reschedule or transfer to another class for any reason. Our facilitators customize, purchase and prepare the materials for each participant in advance. If you would like to send someone else in your place, you will need for you to provide their name, phone number and email address at LEAST 24 hours (between 9am - 4pm) before the class scheduled time by email
Contact Details
1051 Kingston Rd, Toronto, ON, Canada